The Urban Monk has created a free video series that covers many topics of wellbeing and how to reduce stress, clean up your diet and have more energy! Here is his video on a simple chi kung exercise that helps to increase energy.
6 Tips For Stress/Ascension Symptom Relief Continue Reading
Bohemian Rhapsody Inspiration – Free Your Voice The film 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is causing quite a stir since it's release this last week, and rightly so. Freddie Mercury,… Continue Reading
You Are Healthy & Whole Already This came through in meditation this morning, just sharing Continue Reading
Fur Friends Moving On – Lessons in The Eternal Now [caption id="attachment_157" align="aligncenter" width="150"] Fur baby Mocha[/caption] [caption id="attachment_189" align="aligncenter" width="169"] Fur baby Willow[/caption] And so it was that my… Continue Reading