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“Tune Into Bliss” guides you into re-discovering who you truly are, and realizing where you have been giving your power away, so that you can live life more joyously in freedom, with passion and peace, and express your unique calling for the benefit of humanity and Earth at this time.

Includes a meditation for tuning into bliss, your Divine well-spring of pure Source energy and well-being.

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If you are looking for Raw Vegan Ideas for Christmas, or for Celebratory Vegan Recipes, this is the book for you.

Learn to make gourmet style food that competes with your family’s processed goodies!

Lots of delicious ‘holiday’ recipes including Tiramasu, Christmas Cake, Mince pies, Savoury Tarts and much more….all using natural raw vegan ingredients.

No need to go without delicious Christmas/Celebratory Food on a raw food or vegan diet!

Inspire loved ones with your cruelty-free celebratory food that’s good for you, the animals and the planet.

Learn how to make your own chocolate treats at home in this ebook of delicious and healthy ‘Raw Chocolate Treats’ by Anabrese Neuman.