This came through in meditation this morning, just sharing <3 May be of some help to someone. It's as much for me at this time as for anyone else who may find it useful. With love, empathy and compassion for the whole <3 ********************************* Bodily symptoms are your Higher Guidance speaking to you. The body is a self healing machine. It is always governed by Higher Intelligence and orienting it's cells in restoring equilibrium and your highest health/wellness. Since you are one with Source, we could say, it's your body talking to you to let you know of some misalignment on the environmental/physical/emotional/mental plane. All bodily beings are instinctively 'life expanding' oriented. You are always already perfect at Source Being-ness. You can always align with Source by relaxing and releasing the mind. The usual tendency of mind is to react/resist/complain/see the symptoms as negative i.e feel contracted around the idea of limitation. However, symptoms are appearances/energetic anomalies on the landscape of pure Being-ness, and as such, are negotiable, or transformable at the energetic level i.e they can be altered/transmuted/dissolved in another timeline/parallel reality that you have the power to co-create. So, instead of cursing or resisting symptoms, you can appreciate that this 'current expression' is a function of Higher Mind, to help you, to protect you, and to elevate you to a higher understanding of beliefs/causes on all levels of your Being. They (symptoms) can be seen as teachers on your life's journey, for the purposes of growth, expansion etc. And when we can appreciate/view the symptoms/appearances as teachers, we can release the resistance, which free's up energy in the body to flow. We can receive the Higher Mind 'downloads', that can bring solutions on any level e.g health supporting aids or an empowering perspective. We can receive the inspiration to take any 'baby steps' to support well-being. Solution based asking/enquiry transforms disempowerment or hopelessness into being a co-creator with Source Energy, that is who you are! Know that health/wholeness is always possible and that your Higher Self knows this truth/availability as 100% natural for you. You are not your body or your thoughts about all that happens or doesn't happen. And this releasing attachment to bodily conditions can be the great teacher itself, into the realization of the One true abiding Self. Know that you are always free, here and now. You are always loved and supported by Higher Being for you to feel well and good, and know that well-being is possible and natural. Again, the symptoms can be seen as signposts for our role in learning something valuable for our journey and ultimately, to share for the benefit of the whole. It can be a challenge for sure, and this sharing is not to deny or underplay the challenge you have undertaken. For it seems to be part of our collective journey (for many beings), this experience of all sorts of bodily conditions, often painful etc. Love and light to us all <3 I wish you well on your/our realization of wholeness, as the One Infinite Creator, one and all <3 Thank you for your courage and grace, I love you. Infinite Peace and Wellness Blessings.