I would like to share with you 3 foundational practises that will help you to live joyfully in the present moment, feel a sense of Oneness and Connection with Source and all of Life.
These practises, if applied, will align you with your natural state where you can experience peace, joy, wellbeing, bliss and Oneness with all around you.
We are all conscious beings having a physical experience in the body. What we think and believe is true will be reflected back to us through The Law of Attraction.
As Conscious Creators, we have the power to influence our experience here and as such, we also have enormous ability to be of great service to the rest of our ‘selves’, for we, humanity, and all living beings, are One.
So, let me dive into the 3 practises that can support your alignment as your Divine self, feeling totally free, natural, and just happy to be alive here and now.
1. Appreciate Nature
We are at a cross roads in our collective evolution where people are realizing that not all is what it seems! We have the opportunity to live from a place of Oneness, to realize and wake up to our true Divine Being-ness, and to actualize that expression in the world.
Our God-Is-ness always Is, we just haven’t been aware of it.
One of the ways we can naturally abide in stillness, and thus re-cognize our true nature, is by being more appreciative of Nature herself. Being in nature helps us to slow down and has a calming effect on the mind.
Since we are One with Life itself, when we acknowledge and give our attention to and appreciate nature, we feel nourished and vibrant.
Being in nature rejuvenates us.
In our increasingly technological society, where we have our eyes and mind on our mobile devices for much of the day, we are forgetting to look up and around us, at the natural world.
Did you listen to/notice/feel the birdsong today?
The bird population as well as other species, has been declining and if we don’t start giving our attention to nature, we might just find that one day she is empty of life forms…. what a loss that would be!
As our (human) population has been increasing, we are infringing on the habitats of other species as the need for housing and feeding ourselves increases.
Nature is nurturing, relaxing and calms our nervous system.
There is an energetic field in the woodland that helps to harmonize/illuminate our own auric field. No wonder we feel so good! WE are literally glowing as we are in the most dense bio energy field available to us on the planet! Pure Living Energy!
We came from nature and lived in tune with her natural rhythms.
Now we need to return to and restore the garden that we have been neglecting, within and without.
Nature is in harmony with your natur-al self.
The colour we see mostly in nature is green, the colour of the heart chakra.
Without the pulse of the heart, the pulse of the Universe, life could not be.
It is balancing for our bodies to walk in nature, in the woods, by the ocean etc.
Dear sisters and brothers, you are an Earthling!!! You are not the Borg, half man, half metal!
You are made from the cosmos, your living cells dance and vibrate every nano second.
You are designed for the natural world.
The Great Mother gives us Oxygen, the air we need to breathe. If we continue to take from her, we are literally denying ourselves and our children of a more pleasant life and natural world to enjoy.
Start appreciating nature today, you won’t regret it.
What you appreciate expands. It’s the law. You attract more of what you give your attention to. You can’t be depressed when you’re in appreciation!
Loving nature is also loving yourself!
Start appreciating nature today, she is you, and you are her.
- Meditate
Meditation is a must in re-discovering your inner most sense of Self.
When you meditate, you connect with your higher wisdom, truth and ‘I Am’ existence.
The real YOU is beyond your thoughts and emotions. You are ONE with the infinite eternal Mind of God. You are that.
Meditating every .day will allow your mind and body to relax.
It is well documented that meditation relieves stress and helps to centre oneself.
And again, in this speedy technological daily fuzz….. all these transmissions, information overload…we need to take time out, to breathe, to slow down…. and just Be.
Take time to connect with your inner being/Source today.
This is your lifeline, literally.
Meditation is your opportunity to recharge, to give all concerns and worries to God/The Universe. You can ask questions of this infinite intelligence about certain things you need help with. You are never alone in that sense.
You have a Higher Power within you!
Infinite Love is available at all times, to help you. This Infinite Universal mind that knows all and knows what is best for your happiness, your wellbeing, your balance. Simply ask, relax and listen.
3. Eat a plant based diet
As human awareness expands about the consequences of our actions in ecological terms, there is a huge movement growing towards adopting a 100% plant based diet i.e vegan.
For the ecological considerations, it has been proven that a plant based diet will cut our carbon footprint by as much as 70%.
A plant based diet is kinder to the planet and compassionate to animals, as well as being highly recommended for good health.
The vegan diet is respectful of life and all beings right to life. Following a plant based diet can increase our appreciation and reverence of nature.

Eating natural plant food tunes you into the natural rhythms/cycles of nature.
Plant foods, and in particular, green leafy vegetables are very alkalizing for the body. Alkalizing your body assists in calming the nervous system, which makes it easier to slow down and meditate.
I believe a plant based diet assists in having deeper meditative states.
An alkaline diet helps you drop down, and relax, so it’s a good preparation for meditation, as well as providing a good baseline for well being.
Eating a plant based diet is the compassionate way forward in our conscious-love-expanding evolution.
“We connect more with other sentient beings when we go vegan. After I was vegan for 4 years and practising presence, I had an awakening and I felt Oneness with all living beings – nature, people and animals. This knowing of the Oneness within all of life has continued within me, and is the core theme of my continued realization today” – Anabrese Neuman

Dr Gabriel Cousens MD, plant based nutritionist and scientist, recommends eating a raw plant based diet for spiritual awakening and physical well being.
There is plenty of proven evidence, health-wise and ecological wise, to support the reasons for switching to a plant based diet.
I highly recommend you consider a vegan diet as one of these 3 practises for expanding consciousness and joyful wellbeing.
I believe we will be happier humans when we do not take another’s freewill to live their lives away from them – Anabrese Neuman
So, that’s the 3 foundational practises for well being, bliss and greater connection with yourself, life all around you, as the One Divine Being, that YOU ARE!
God is everywhere if you just look within and all around you.
We are all One, and blessed to be here on this planet at this time.
Life is a gift.
When you feel that sense of Oneness, you will know that all is One and you will feel to be of service to your other selves, by whatever theme you are inspired by!
Use your talents to express your unique being-ness in the world.
Everyone desires upliftment as well as balanced and happy role models at this time.
You will know when you are ready to do that.
You are part of this big puzzle of Life and you are an important part of the whole…. you can make a difference by taking responsibility for your state of being, embracing compassion for other living beings, and living lightly on the planet.
Nature needs YOU to wake up to your untapped potential, and to use it to benefit the whole. Be the change.
We are being called to awaken to our own Divine power to create positive change. Know that you are contributing by being your authentic self.
We are remembering we are powerful Creators.
No ONE living being need be a slave no more!
It’s not about handing over responsibility to the government anymore and waiting for things to change, it’s now down to each one of us. Don’t wait.
We are the collective and we have power!
Let’s unify our vision for an awakened responsible civilization that is kind, compassionate and giving.
Are YOU ready to wake up, evolve and shine your light?! Go to it with confidence and courage. You are loved and supported.
Love and Light,
Anabrese Neuman is the author of ‘Tune Into Bliss’ on Amazon
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/anabreseneuman
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/anabreseneumanauthor
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucyCCAThK28

Beautiful inspiration! No words needed!
Thank you!
Thank you Afrodita, I appreciate your comment! x