Have you ever wondered what your unique calling is for the time you are here on this planet? In this article, we will look at how you can discover your calling and how you can get started living your purpose right away!
This post is inspired by the calling work of Anurag Gupta and Bentinho Massaro. I will put helpful links to their work at the end of the post.
Have you ever wondered why you’re here? What the core purpose or intention is for your incarnation into the life you’re living now?
Or, do you feel that you have something to share that may help or inspire others in some way?
Is there some area of expertise you have gained and can share to help others solve some issue?
Or, do you already know you’re here to create or express something that will benefit the whole?
So, what is meant by finding or connecting with your ‘calling’?
According to Anurag Gupta, it is something you create or express that doesn’t involve you. In other words, your calling relates to something that is of benefit to others.
To discover your calling, ask yourself, ‘What is it that lights me up when I see other people experiencing……what’?
Your calling may be linked to a passion or gift you have, e.g your art inspiring people or helping them connect with joy.
Or, it could be a quality that you can unveil in another, such as confidence in people, i.e being an encourager of sorts. Whatever your calling, you can find it by asking, ‘Where in my life did I really feel lit up as others were experiencing X’?
Another benefit to finding your calling is the realization of some positive aspect that you would like to see expressed in the world e.g compassion or unconditional love.
As each one of us tunes into our calling (those positive qualities or realizations we wish to inspire in others), we are naturally uplifted too. Everyone wins! And more joy vibrates around the planet.
You don’t ‘do’ your calling, you discover your calling by being you! You become the expression of it, for you are already it.
Know that just by being here and radiating your true self, you are already fulfilling your calling to some extent. If you respect others and treat them with compassion, appreciation and love, you are already making a big difference.
So, no need to worry, if it is not yet clear what your calling is. Simply continue radiating love and all will graciously unfold for you.
At some point, you will feel ‘service’ inspired and desire to create and share something that will benefit others.
Your first job is to create a truer expression of you!
Be who you truly are, beyond the mask of personality that you adopted to protect yourself. Let go of the fear to be seen and become sincere/authentic.
Living your calling is about where you are coming from, not where you are getting to. It is your authentic expression from the heart.
When you live from your heart, you inspire others to do the same.
We are all tired as a collective of being clones. Playing it safe so as not to offend anyone has to be shelved. It’s time to not give a monkey’s and start playing the part of your most true self.
Be fearless, bold, courageous. Shine!
Play your calling like a game!
This world is a stage, it helps to see it all as a game. You can’t lose, even if you make mistakes or make a fool of yourself.
Forget worrying about how you look to others. Just start playing and having fun! Explore, transform, learn, adapt, refine as go along. You don’t have to get it perfect. There’s no such thing anyway. There will always be something more to learn in this game of life.
Living your calling is being at the source of your life.
Your core intention or purpose is where it all happens. You are an amazing Creator. Creation is where the most fun is! As you create a more true expression of you, you inspire others to do the same.
We can all show up for each other, as infinite expressions of the One.
Your calling is not what you can get. It’s about what you can give to life.
What difference can you make to another? How can you uplift another?
Commitment to your calling means you become the Creator of your life, where the magic happens, otherwise the environment creates you. Which would you prefer? To be a Creator or sheep? (no disrespect to sheep!)
Magic is the end result of what you can create for others and yourself, as you live your calling.
As you stay focussed, synchronicities will occur and you will be supported because you are aligned with what lights you up!
There is great energy generated in being in the high energy state of what lights you up. It’s like being in love. But you will feel like that all the time!
To summarise, your calling is what fulfills you whilst benefitting others in some way.
You can use this formula to help you discover what your calling is:-
My calling is people experiencing…….?
Your calling is not where you are trying to get to. It’s about where you are fundamentally and wholeheartedly coming from.
Stay true to yourself and be sincere.
Your calling is bigger than you. It is a vision you can align with and then the vision itself will carry you forward, guiding you and morphing as it becomes realized in the world. Have fun!
And remember that YOU being you is fulfilling your calling.
Living your calling doesn’t have to be a big hoo-hah expression in the world. It could simply be, being a great mother.
You can relax. Simply ponder the question, ‘What is my calling’? See what arises. No need to stress. Just be yourself and do the best you can in your interactions with others.
We can all certainly make a difference and already are in our own communities.
Just stay true to yourself and your authentic light.
Shine brightly. All will be expressed from that.
Relax. Trust.
If you would like further support with discovering your calling, check out the video above and my ebook, ‘Tune Into Bliss‘ where I write a lot about living from your higher purpose and being of service.
Anabrese is also available for Spiritual Mentoring to help you discover your calling.